Daily acknowledgement of how much you mean to them.
My husband and I say "I love you" every morning, as soon as I make it to work, when he texts me on his way home from work, before we go to bed, and numerous times during the day. I know we're told actions speak louder than words, but as a woman it's important to hear those three words for reassurance at times, especially if we're having a bad day. Just knowing your partner never tires of telling you how much they love you is amazing.
Reminds you of how beautiful you are.
Who wouldn't love to be called beautiful, gorgeous, lovely, hot, sexy? I know I do and blessed that my husband tells me I'm one of these at least once a day. In a world where we're constantly given examples of what "beautiful" is, it's nice to be told and have it confirmed that we are in fact beautiful even if we don't look like the models/actors.
Is considerate of your feelings.
Ladies, we all know that during our time of the month we can be a bit on edge and it can alter our normal behavior altogether. If your partner is aware of this and does anything and everything in their power to make you feel the least bit comfortable, that's a blessing. My husband knows when it's almost that time and prepares himself. He knows I love chocolate, so he'll buy me my favorite candy on his way home from work. He knows I get sleepy, so he ensures he's super quiet when getting out of bed so as not to wake me. He knows I am emotionally sensitive, so he tries to be more cautious as to what and how he says things. Men like this don't come around every day and I am aware of that and because of that I cherish him and am grateful for him.
Respects you.
Respect is in my top three of things I expect in my relationship. A relationship without respect is a relationship doomed for failure. If you or your partner don't respect each other than there is no moral ground to stand on and anything is fair game. One of the main issues for me and something I do not tolerate is for a partner to swear at me or call me names. Even when arguments get heated, it's important to remember to walk away before something is said that cannot be forgotten. I've been fortunate enough that my husband and I haven't slipped and crossed that line with one another. I respect him as the man that he is and he respects me for the woman that I am. Mutual respect is essential in any relationship in order for it to be successful.
Last, but not least, puts you first.
This has been one of the biggest things for me in every relationship that I have been in. This is mainly because of watching my dad not put my mom first in their marriage, when in the end, failed after twenty years. My dad put his mother first before his wife, my mom, and not only did it hurt the marriage, it hurt my mom. Now, this is not to say that men shouldn't care for their mothers, but once you marry they must realize their wife is their number one concern and priority on this earth after God (given that he is a Godly man). I made it extremely clear to my now husband that I was not going to come second to anyone but God and wouldn't accept anything less. After some time and numerous heated arguments he finally got the message and that is when I felt comfortable to marry him and begin our lives together as man and wife. I'm sure this is a struggle for many women out there and men as well, but we have to remember that God makes it very clear that a man is to leave his parents and shall join his wife and become one flesh. In addition, men are to love their wives as they love themselves. After about one and a half years of dating my husband he understood that I was serious about this and began to understand the dynamics of the marriage I wanted, the marriage God intended for us to have, and after all of talks with God and prayers, it finally happened. My husband began to put me first, he began to stand up for me, he began to put my needs first, he began to always consider me in every decision he made. In return I was able to give myself freely to him and it has made it much easier to be a more submissive wife.
For all of these reasons and more I try my best to spoil my husband as much as he spoils me. Even if it's the smallest gesture, it'll go a long way.
»Make him his favorite meal.
»Give him a massage.
»Buy him something he's been wanting.
»Send him out for a guy's night.
»Do something he wants to do.
»Go somewhere he's been wanting to go.
»Make him breakfast in bed.
Anything you can do to make him feel special, loved, appreciated, needed, and wanted.
I decided to spoil my husband and gave him a long overdue mini getaway. I found a super cheap Groupon for a one night stay at a hotel downtown. Then while we were there I purchased another Groupon for discounted tickets to a museum we'd never been to. Lastly, I took him to a restaurant he's been wanting to go to that is not only known for their steaks (he loves steak), but is where they tape one of our favorite shows. He loves to walk around and not just be at home, so I figured we could explore and be tourists in our own city, even if it was just for a day and a half. A little bit goes a long way.
love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her, so that He might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, that He might present to Himself the church in all her glory, having no spot or wrinkle or
any such thing; but that she would be holy and blameless. So husbands ought also to love their own wives as their own bodies. He who
loves his own wife loves himself. – Ephesians 5:25-28