Monday, June 8, 2015

New Chapters

It's crazy how much can change in just a few months. As much as I love Chicago, it's sad to say that living there isn't as great as far as an economic standpoint.

It's been almost 4 months now that my boyfriend and I moved to Dallas.

Having visited my aunt, who moved here 13 years ago, I grew to love it here. Each visit down here I'd entertain the idea of moving here one day and now here I am! Dallas is truly a beautiful city filled with such wonderful and kindhearted people. Although, these are also the same people who are terrible drivers and wouldn't last a day in Chicago. haha Either way, it has been a roller coaster of emotions since moving here. 

Born and raised in Chicago our minds are already set at working over 100 mph because we live in such a fast paced city. Dallas, on the other hand, is the complete opposite. People are very relaxed here, no one is in a hurry, and everyone is used to it. 

That being said, I was accustomed to applying for jobs and getting them either the same day or the next. Applying for jobs here really tested my patience and hit my ego. It took me one month and two weeks to find a job out here and my boyfriend could tell you that I was not the easiest person to deal with during that time. The money wasn't much of an issue because we had saved, but it was the fact that I wasn't getting calls, second interviews, or even a bite. This truly was a test for me and made me reach out to God as I always have in the past. God, why is it so hard for me to find a job? Am I not good enough? These were questions I'd ask Him daily and each day it seemed to get harder. 

This had to have been one of the many times God had to teach me that good things come to those who have faith and wait patiently on God's timing. He came through for me and in the most amazing way by blessing me with the greatest opportunity that could have been given to me and at the highest salary I've ever made in my career. If that isn't God saying "I told you I'm taking care of you," I don't know how else to take it. This new career opportunity gave us the chance to finally get a place of our own and fully begin this new journey in our lives in a new state. 

Having been almost 4 months I find it is still difficult for me to get over not being able to see my family like I used to. Every time I see a post on Facebook or I happen to call when everyone is together it still brings such sadness to know I'm not there. Luckily for me, technology helps to make it just a little bit easier by Facetiming. My biggest fear is that my little sister who is 2 won't remember me. I fear that I'm missing out on being there for my sister who just purchased her first condo at 20. Just this last weekend I missed another housewarming party for her. Last night was another of the handful of nights I've cried myself to sleep from how much I miss my parents and siblings. 

I am blessed that I have my boyfriend with me through it all, to comfort me and tell me it'll be okay. On many occasions he's asked if I want to move back, but I know that it's hard on me now because it's still the beginning. I'm praying that with time my heart will feel more at ease and I'll begin to feel comfortable in my new home. 

So many people, even relatives, told me it might not be a good idea to move. Some thought I was running from problems, others just thought it was a phase. What no one understood was what I tried to explain to them all along, I just wanted a change. I didn't want to live my entire life only knowing one city. How could they think I would let a problem chase me away from my family? 

Bottom line, if you feel you want to try something new, please do not let even those closest try and talk you out of it. You do not want to live with regret for the rest of your life for not doing something you felt strongly about. New experiences are a blessing in life, to be here right now typing this is a blessing. If you are capable of doing so and just want a change, even if it's temporary, I urge you to take the necessary steps in doing so. You'll thank yourself later and even if it doesn't work, at least you tried. 

As for me, I will do my absolute best to work toward accepting what Dallas has to offer me. After all, it's already given me an amazing job with more benefits than I could have imagined. I will begin my journey to enjoy this 90 degree heat and long days. :) 

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