Hillary is a lying politician who should not be allowed to run for POTUS.
These two lines have been said in so many words regarding the two candidates for POTUS throughout this entire election and it's all we can seem to focus on. Elections have always been known to take jabs at the other candidate toward the end of the election, but it seems this entire election has been just that.
I'm so sick and tired of seeing countless posts on social media of people belittling or sharing memes made to make the candidate that they are strongly against. I understand the frustration, I really do, but do we really believe that sharing a meme of Donald Trump morphed into the body of a pig, or Hilary Clinton half naked in a bathing suit is serving any purpose? Does that really help the young individual who is finally of age to vote and is stuck between the two make their decision and basing them off of your posts?
So many grown men and women acting like children by posting such things is just sad in my opinion. It makes me wonder what happened in the last few years, where did we go wrong, when everyone started to point fingers and make it so public?
Most Americans today will admit this election is one of the scariest, if not the scariest, and their decision has probably not been made. My honest opinion, I haven't felt 100% on either as well and it's the toughest decision to make.
My suggestion to everyone would be to post less negativity and start sharing positive messages regarding your candidate of choice.
Yes, we know the downfalls each candidate has.
Yes, we've heard how many times Trump has made indecent remarks toward a group of people.
Yes, we've heard how many times Hilary has lied while under oath.
You know what I have not heard yet from most people? Why they are choosing their candidate.
So here is a question I would love to pose to everyone who loves to share negative things about the opposite candidate, what do you LIKE about your candidate of choice? When answering that question, feel free to create a post with a list of reasons why your candidate is your choice. This way when those who are still stuck in the middle can read what each candidate brings to the table that they might not have already known.
Remember that no matter who you are, you have an influence on someone, at least one person out there who looks to you and you may not even know it. Again, I understand the frustration, but the mainstream media has already taken the job of posting the negatives about each candidate, let's work together as a whole to start building each other up, not tearing each other down.
Am I upset about what each has against them? Yes of course, but I'm also upset that as a country we're not taking this more serious and are allowing this to tear us apart even further. We're better than this.