For me, that light was my mom visiting for a day this last weekend. Although I was only able to spend a mere 10 hours with her, I made sure to soak up every minute of her visit.
While here she wanted to stop by my aunt's house to make sure she greeted her before she left. As we were conversing in the kitchen we started reminiscing on my childhood. I was reminded of all of the times my mom disciplined me as a child, and rightfully so.
Boy oh boy do I have countless stories of amazing (at that time terrible) punishments that make me realize my mom was a genius. Maybe in reading these you'd like to steal one or two for yourself in your own disciplinary actions with your children. All I know is, it most definitely worked. Even after getting spanked with the belt, had my ear pulled, or arm pinched it was definitely worth it in the end. This is in my opinion of course, everyone has their own thought on physical discipline and are entitled to it.
Dentist Mayhem
I was almost turning 6 when it was my time to go to the dentist for my first school check-up before starting 1st grade. I've always been a big chicken with everything, so naturally I was afraid of the dentist. According to my mom I would not stop crying nor would I allow the dentist to look at my teeth. It was so bad that the dentist told my mom that it may be better for them to reschedule since I wasn't making it easy for him. My mom being the person she was did not accept that so asked that we be excused to visit the restroom. I didn't have to pee of course, but man did I get a good butt warming. She told me that if I continued to cry or complain I'd be taking another trip to the bathroom with her. So what did I do? I got right back into the chair and stayed quiet the entire time.
Dreaded Shopping
Most kids at any age up until their teen years loathes shopping with their mom at the store. Unless it's something for us, we don't really want to spend hours upon end in the women's department. Being that typical child, my sister and I questioned my mom every 15 minutes or so if she was almost done. We must have grown tired of just walking around next to her like a shadow that we started playing in the clothes racks. This is course was not okay with my mom who then dragged us both out of the racks by our ears and said those dreaded six words...just wait until we get home. For another hour or so my sister and I followed close behind my mom as we just glanced at each other every minute or so dreading the ride home and what was waiting for us at home. That must have been the only time we prayed for our mom to continue shopping some more in hopes she'd forget our behavior. To our disappointment, that never happened and each time we'd get exactly what was waiting for us when we got home, a nice shiny belt to the butt.
Beans for Days
This has to be one of my mom's most infamous story on discipline with my sister and I. To this day it's something I never forget and makes me sick to my stomach, literally. It all started after school one day when my mom said we had to stop by the grocery store before getting home so she could get ingredients to make dinner. Well, it just so happens my sister and I thought we could persuade her to get us McDonald's instead.
Sis and I: Ma, can we get McDonald's just for today? We're hungry now.
Mom: No, I have to buy groceries so I can make dinner that will last us the entire week.
Sis and I: Please Ma, just today.
Mom: I said no, I don't have enough money to get both so I have to buy groceries so they can last us until next week.
Sis and I: Can't you just use your credit card?!
I don't think we even needed an answer at that point as we could tell how upset that comment made my mom.
Mom: You girls are so spoiled, you know that there are kids in Mexico who are starving and don't even have food to eat every single day like you girls do!
Not only was it an awkward trip to the grocery store, but it wasn't until we got home that we heard what our punishment was for saying such a thing.
Mom: Because you girls don't understand how great you girls have it, I'm going to make this entire pot (the big pot us Mexicans know as, the pozole pot) of frijoles de la olla (beans in the pot) and you girls will eat it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner until it's all gone!
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Frijoles de la olla |
For the next 7 days my sister and I ate nothing but frijoles de olla for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. We did this all while she cooked my dad enchiladas (his favorite) and steak. So there we were, having a family dinner as my sister and I had to watch them eat the good stuff as we suffered and ate beans. Ever since then, I have never been able to eat those type of beans again. Just thinking about it makes me want to puke. Some relatives who have heard the story tell my mom she went too far, but me having been the one who suffered through it, I'm glad she did. It was a great lesson to learn that when there isn't enough for a want, you have to go with what is needed.
These were just some of various punishments I endured growing up, but I am grateful to have received them all. Had it not been for the firm discipline my parents enforced I would not be the person I am today. They taught me the essentials in life to be a strong, independent, confident, and responsible person. So to my parents I say, thank you for punishing me. Thank you for having such high expectations from me and thank you most of all for loving me enough to teach me these important lessons.
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